
Reclaim Your Mobility: Physical Therapy for Knee Pain Relief

Reclaim Your Mobility: Physical Therapy for Knee Pain Relief

Knee pain relief

Knee pain is a common complaint with several potential causes, from injury to chronic conditions like osteoarthritis. At Sterling Physical Therapy & Wellness, we help patients find lasting knee pain relief through a comprehensive, hands-on process in which we identify the source of the pain and then develop a personalized treatment plan.

We understand how debilitating knee pain can be. When your knee hurts, it’s difficult to stay active–which can lead to worse symptoms and prolonged discomfort. Fortunately, physical therapy is one of the best ways to address that pain and get back to your day-to-day life.

Want to learn more? Keep reading for Lauren’s story, a recent patient who suffered a knee injury and came to us for relief!

Meet Lauren: Injured at Play

Lauren was a sociable 30-something who was always trying out new things. When a friend invited her to join a weekly pick-up game of basketball, Lauren jumped at the chance–literally and figuratively. Unfortunately, after a few weeks, she started noticing knee pain after her workouts or other physical activity.

She initially ignored it, but when the pain was intense enough that she could no longer join her friends for their weekly basketball game, she knew she needed to seek treatment.

Uncovering The Cause of Lauren’s Knee Pain

When Lauren met with our skilled physical therapists, we first conducted a comprehensive exam to determine the source of her knee pain. We eliminated several sources of knee pain, such as osteoarthritis and ligament tears.

By the end of Lauren’s initial appointment, we had identified the culprit: patellar tendonitis, an overuse injury of the tendon that connects the patella (kneecap) to your shinbone. All that literal jumping Lauren had started doing during her basketball games had stressed the tendon, leading to her injury.

Developing a Treatment for Knee Pain Relief

Fortunately for Lauren, physical therapy is a frontline treatment for patellar tendonitis. Our therapists created a customized program to address her pain and strengthen her knee so she could find permanent knee pain relief:

  • We started with a drug-free pain management program using manual therapy techniques and gentle mobilization exercises.
  • We began working with Lauren to strengthen the muscles surrounding her knee, which help stabilize and support the joint.
  • We provided Lauren with a schedule for returning to physical activity, including those pick-up basketball games.
  • We educated Lauren about best practices for avoiding knee injuries (and other musculoskeletal injuries) while playing sports and staying active.

Celebrating a Pain-Free Life

Lauren was thrilled when she had recovered enough to jump back on the local basketball court (and so were her friends). Thanks to our comprehensive treatment, Lauren continues to try out new sports and physical activities with the knowledge of how to protect herself from injury.

But if she does suffer another injury? Lauren knows exactly where she can turn: Sterling Physical Therapy & Wellness.

Find Knee Pain Relief Today

If you’re struggling with persistent knee pain, our therapists will help you find knee pain relief, just as we did for Lauren. No matter the cause of your pain, we’ll create a treatment plan that meets your needs.

Request an appointment today to learn how our dedicated physical therapists can help you! Call Now!


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