Jennifer Jones

Integrative Nutritionist

Founder of JENuine Nutrition

Jennifer Jones is an Integrative Nutritionist, Executive Wellness Coach and the passionate Founder of JENuine Nutrition; a Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Company that teaches professionals and organizations how to optimize their health and performance through nutrition and lifestyle management.

She works with her clients to design a sustainable roadmap to optimal health to successfully improve their eating habits, naturally increase energy, reduce stress, improve sleep, confidence, focus and more.

Client Testimonials/Feedback

I felt extremely comfortable with Jennifer from the beginning. She outlined the direction shewanted me to take in terms of reducing and/or eliminating pain. That included vitamin therapyand a firm pledge to change eating habits.My testimony is- Work In-Work Out- But IT DOES
WORK!!!AND worth the money!!!!

– Elizabeth Pilgrim

Client Testimonials/Feedback

Jennifer was very easy to work with and laid out a plan Taylor-made for my condition. Shetaught me awareness of reading food labels and knowing what i’m consuming in my body, aswell as taking the proper vitamin supplements for maximum results. I’ve lost 15 Ibs to date andim feeling better than I have in 10 years! Jennifer is AMAZING to…

– Johnnie Lee Jr.

Client Testimonials/Feedback

Less overall body aches and overall body health improved. Getting rid of the nasal drainageand chronic cough is a huge improvement. Less bloating and gas was not my primary focus, yetmuch improved as well. This has been extremely helpful and I am happy with the results.I feel like I’m now on the right path. yet the journey is not over.

– Judy Kurrus

Client Testimonials/Feedback

Feel better and my pain level continues to improve. I will continue to practice good eatinghabits to help with my inflammation. I appreciate all the good information and will continue toshop differently to help myself continue to get better.

– Lynn Vacek

Client Testimonials/Feedback

Jen was simply amazing! She educated me on the right type of food to eat for my blood typeand taught me how we can heal our bodies through our diet. Jen has a very holistic approach.We discussed how diet and exercise is only one component to living your best possible life.She truly wants the best for you and she cares…

– Dr. Sterling Carter

As a Health and Wellness Industry expert with over a decade of experience, Jennifer has worked with major companies such as SYSCO, Keller Williams, Common Desk, The Ion Houston, and has been a regular on KPRC TV Houston.

We are excited to offer these expert level services to our patients and clients here at Sterling Physical Therapy & Wellness.

Request an appointment TODAY!